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I will teach you how to Heal Old Wounds
Introduction (51:40)
5 Pillars
3 other important cultural aspects
Caitlan's Creed
Guided Meditation
Words before all else.
Quiz #1
AIM Song - National Anthem.
How to sing the National Anthem. (35:54)
History of AIM and the song
Structure of the song
Cry and response (0:47)
Chorus (intro, refrain 3x) (0:30)
Put it together 1 pushup. (1:38)
Entire song. (5:05)
Quiz 2 - music
Men's Traditional Dance - leaving the body.
Introduction. (54:45)
What is dance for indigenous people?
Different types of public dance.
My private dance which I called "Grandfather's Medicine"
3 stages
Out of body experience - grand entry.
Quiz#3 Dance
Everything coming together
Create your own guided meditation (38:41)
Let It Go Guided Meditation Example
Grant Robertson Guided Meditation Background
Always Returning - Brian Eno
Binaural Rain in Forest
Destroys Negative Binaural
Quiz #4 Coming together
Turn in your guided meditation to get your certificate
Speaking to your future self.
Quiz 2 - music
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