I will teach you how to Heal Old Wounds

Become a powerful healer for yourself and your family with these easy and ancient techniques.

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Create a beautiful guided mediation like this one.

Morning meditation is a general visualization designed to start your day off right.

And from then on, whenever anyone stresses you out, or you have bad news, or any tragedy besets you, you will have a special something to get you through and boost your focus and capacity for resilience.

Course Outline (Syllabus)

Healing old wounds and preparing for the ones to come.

“Create your own Guided Meditation”

2 Hours over 5 Days – online – no pre-requisites – for adults only

One could look at this course as “seeing yourself from above,” or “communicating to yourself during an out of body experience.” We go through 4 stages in the preparation of production of your own guided meditation or “medicine bundle” on the 5th day. The guided meditation is “speaking to your future yourself” and is designed to build confidence, resilience and a more positive outlook through self-hypnosis using binaural beats.

Day 1 – Who, what where and why? Students are introduced to the trance like state that is used to access the subconscious.

Day 2 – Achieving focus while creating a trance state. By the end of class all students will be able to sing the Native American National Anthem or “AIM Song.”

Day 3 – Leaving the body and being aware. An introduction to Men’s Eastern Traditional Dance.

Day 4 – Understanding options, bringing it all together. An in depth look at ceremony and guided meditation.

Day 5 – Production and sharing. Students actually record or share their guided meditations.

Why Take this class?

It is almost a pre-requisite that soldiers be able to control their emotions. Admittedly, some emotions are easier to control that others. Yet, with age and awareness comes increased vulnerability. How do we deal with emotions like regret, anxiety, fear, shock, anger, guilt and nightmares when they overwhelm us? Many people respond through abuse, addiction, insomnia and rage. This class offers another response, which is both ancient, inexpensive, drug free, “secretive” and comes from inside the body.

How does it work?

Using binaural beats music which is specifically tuned in such a way to easily induce relaxation and access to the subconscious is used as a background for students to create their own voice- over which includes suggestions and positive affirmations. The track that is created can be used by the student again and again and contains messages precisely for them.

Why do I have to go through all this, what does this have to do with Native Americans?

There are any number of paths one can take to create something like this, but this is the path that I know. The important thing is that you access the highest levels of your spiritual self, are able to focus and concentrate while in a trance state and capable of giving coherent messages to your future self that encourage health, strength, mindfulness and connection. In order to reconcile a tragedy or catastrophe, we have to return to the time before it happened and visualize in order to reconcile and imagine alternative outcomes. Native Americans represent historically the earliest genocide or catastrophe on American soil and so we return to the time before that period. This then for Americans represents the ultimate reconciliation but also cross-cultural experience.

What do I need for this course?

Its great if you have a handdrum but a reliable computer and internet connection with a camera and microphone is all that is needed. Students have to be able to show themselves toduring the class so the class can have the best possible education experience.

What will I get from this class?

  • You will have a recorded 10 minute guided meditation that you can play back at any time.
  • You will know how Native American songs are structured and be able to sing the national anthem.
  • You will know how to induce a trance like state within yourself at any time. This can help you distance yourself from any situation.
  • You will know how to self-hypnotize yourself which is useful for addictions, weight loss, social and other anxieties or fears.
  • You will understand Native American dance and be able to control, express and imagine your body communicating an emotion or spirit within you.
  • You will better understand Native American thinking, philosophy and cosmology.
  • You will have the ability to help others and yourself with your new found ability to hit the “reset button” no matter what else is going on
  • An understanding of the connectedness of things and an stronger ability to control your environment, feelings, reactions, etc.

What is the Science behind all this stuff?

Hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and other brain-related modalities can teach the mind to reframe and release the grip of trauma. Likewise, approaches including meditation, visualization, tension and trauma releasing exercises and other body-centric techniques can help the body recalibrate to normalcy.

Survivors are unique; their healing will be individual. There is no one-size-fits-all or personal guarantee for what will work (and the same program will not work for everyone). However, the majority of evidence suggests that when survivors commit to a process of exploring and testing treatment options they can, over a period of time, reduce the effects of trauma and even eliminate symptoms of PTSD. Meditative practices have been linked to decreases in hyperarousal, depression and insomnia.

Your Instructor

Peter Brooks
Peter Brooks

What is the secret to immortality, popularity, and being timeless of thought of as a "classic"?

If the Harlem Renaissance and its participants are still relevant 100 years later, how can you live a life or make a contribution that is still relevant 100 years from now?

What are the tools by which people survive and thrive and build strength, resilience, and art for themselves and future generations?

I communicate important things for people to know.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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